Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Economics and Electronic Commerce, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Economics and Electronic Commerce, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Mobile commerce is defined as the exchange of information or business transactions using mobile devices through wireless communication and has also been proposed as the next big wave of investment and application of information technology. Much research has been done on the technological aspects of mobile commerce, but limited research has been done on the strategies and application of mobile commerce. In this research, using the technology-task fit model, the application of mobile business system in Iran's insurance industry has been examined from the perspective of experts in information technology and support of insurance companies.
Based on the results of the research, the mobile trading system can be used in Iran's insurance industry. In terms of the effect of individual differences, we found that, contrary to expectations and investigations carried out in previous studies, this variable does not have much effect on the use of mobile technology system for insurance tasks. During the three main tasks of the insurance field, mobile business technology has a high level of compatibility with services after the registration of an insurance contract, followed by the registration of new contracts and the provision of financial and tax information and services.


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