Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Islamic Studies, Imam Sadegh University (AS), Tehran, Iran


Insurance securities are useful tools that are widely used. Considering that many bonds and financial derivatives that are currently being bought and sold in the international financial markets are not allowed from the Islamic point of view, in order for these bonds to be used in Iran, it is necessary to examine their Shari'a permission. Be placed The jurisprudential studies conducted in this regard show a fundamental weakness in the thematics and lack of attention to the numerous examples of this type of documents. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the multiplicity of insurance securities and, as a result, the differences in the jurisprudence of securities regarding each of the cases, by planning and explaining the jurisprudential history and the theoretical foundations of the research. The results of the investigation show that insurance securities include different types, each of which has a different structure and subject, and therefore, finding their jurisprudential ruling requires a case-by-case and independent effort, and it is not possible to prescribe a single ruling for all its types.


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