Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Department of Economics, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Department of MBA, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Service quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts that companies must properly understand and take corrective measures in order to maintain and improve their position in the competitive market. Identifying the demands and measuring the difference between the expectation level and the current evaluation level of customer satisfaction is a prerequisite for a proper understanding of service quality, which is studied in this article for life insurance services. First, customer needs were identified through a survey and using the opinions of customers and experts. Then, using 3 questionnaires in order, the importance of each request was identified, the type of request was determined based on the Kano model, and the amount of difference between the level of expectation and the level of quality perceived by the customer was measured using the Serval model. Also, fuzzy logic was used to convert the linguistic variables of the questionnaires into quantitative values. The results of the research showed that the fuzzy integrated model of Seroqual-Kano has significant advantages for measuring service quality and provides useful information for relevant managers.


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