Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


The specific value of the brand name is measured every year by prestigious global institutions about different international brands; Because in the end, the success and sustainability of organizations depends on their customers. For this reason, the specific value of the brand name is much higher than the value of physical assets, which shows its importance.

In this research, by considering the Acker model, which is the most popular model accepted in the field of customer-based brand equity, and making adjustments to it, we have identified the factors affecting the brand equity from the customer's point of view, including price, advertising, and promotion. Investing in brand equity dimensions (including brand association, brand awareness, brand loyalty, and perceived quality) has an impact on brand equity. The statistical population included car insurance policy holders of four insurance companies. The results of this research showed that advertisements, promotions, and price have an effect on brand awareness, brand association, and perceived quality of brand value, and these three factors, along with brand loyalty factor, have an impact on brand equity. In the final part of the research, in order to investigate the significant difference in the special brand value of four companies, the analysis of variance test was used, and the results showed that there is no significant difference between the special brand value of these four companies.


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