Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This research aims to develop a new approach to modeling systematic and unsystematic risks as well as geopolitical risks, in financial solvency within the insurance industry in Iran. The objective is to improve the accuracy of prediction models used in the industry..
METHODS: The research follows developmental-practical approach and unilizes a descriptive-survey method. Data from 2011 to 2021, covering an 11-year period, were collected and analyzed. A total of 33 risk indicators affecting the financial solvency of insurance companies were examined using BMA, TVP-DMA, TVP-DMS, and BVAR models.
FINDINGS: The BMA model demonstrated the highest accuracy based on error rate. Through the analysis, 11 main variables were identified as significant factors influencing financial solvency including economic growth, inflation uncertainty, exchange rate, sanctions, KOF index, return on working capital, cash adequacy ratio, total debt-to-equity ratio, loss factor, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, and geopolitical risk. The results The results highlight the complex nature of financial solvency prediction in the insurance industry, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and systematic approach.
CONCLUSION: This study emphasizes the limitations of relying on a single conceptual model in financial solvency modeling and decision-making. The multiplicity of factors influencing financial solvency requires a systemic perspective in managing insurance companies. Additionally, it is important to consider a wide range of variables rather than relying on a specific model or set of variables to ensure a comprehensive understanding of financial solvency in the industry.


Main Subjects

Motiei, A.; Ismailzadeh, A.; Jahanshad, A., (2017). The relationship between financial solvency and financial variables of insurance companies. Iran. J. Insur. Res., 32(1): 23-42 (20 Pages). [In Persian]

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