Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Financial Management, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katul Branch, Golestan, Iran

2 Professor, Al-Zahra University

3 Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Aliabad branch, Golestan, Iran


Purpose: Since the survival of obligations related to policyholders and maximizing the company's benefits are among the most important goals of insurance companies, and on the other hand, the regulatory organizations of each country approve special laws and regulations, and managers try to adopt precautionary measures and new technical and financial solutions to be able to keep insurance companies' finances at an acceptable level, therefore, the purpose of this research is to provide an intelligent model to predict financial wealth in insurance companies, as a decision support system.
Methodology: In order to provide a model predicting the financial wealth of insurance companies, 17 variables have been extracted as predictor variables to predict the financial wealth class from the reliable sources of the Central Insurance website of J.A. In this research, the results obtained from the application of different prediction models based on artificial intelligence were compared, including: decision tree, neural network, Nyboys, and in the next step, the ranking of predictive algorithms was examined.
Findings: The results of this research showed that the decision tree has the best performance in predicting financial wealth with 99% accuracy, considering that the decision tree is a non-linear recognition and mapping model and chaotic patterns between the target and decision variables.
Conclusion: It proves the high accuracy of the decision tree model in predicting financial prosperity, and the model extracted using the decision tree has a very high accuracy and capability in estimation.


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