Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Service quality and satisfaction of clients and service recipients has always been one of the most important challenges of service oriented organizations. In the healthcare sector, job satisfaction is strongly related to the quality and efficiency of services provided to customers and contacts, patient satisfaction and reduction of medical costs. Therefore, human resources play a central role in providing quality services. One of the effective factors in job satisfaction is leadership style. Managers can increase the level of job satisfaction of their employees by adopting and applying the appropriate and effective leadership style. In this regard, the current research seeks to investigate the impact of transformational leadership on employee job satisfaction and its results on patient satisfaction with the mediating role of structural empowerment in Iran's health insurance organization.
METHODS: This research in terms of purpose; It is an applied research, in terms of the method data collection; It is considered a descriptive research of survey type, and in terms of the method of execution, it is a correlation type and in terms of data type, it is a quantitative type of research. The statistical community of the current research consists of all the managers and experts of the Iran Health Insurance Organization in the number of 213 people, 132 of whom were selected by simple random sampling based on the Krejcie & Morgan table. Also, in the current research, the data collection method was conducted in the field and library, and questionnaires were used as a data collection tool. To measure the transformative leadership variable, using the Bass and Avolio (2004) questionnaire, to measure job satisfaction using the Hackman, & Oldham,(1976) questionnaire, to measure structural empowerment using the Schwinger (2001) questionnaire, and to measure patient satisfaction using the Boumah and colleagues (2017) has been used. Also, formal method was used to determine validity and Cronbach's alpha was used for reliability (transformational leadership 0.90, job satisfaction 0.93, structural empowerment 0.81, patient satisfaction 0.86). Finally, in order to analyze the data, structural equation modeling and path analysis were used with the help of Amos software.
FINDINGS: The results of this research showed that transformational leadership has a positive and significant consequence, on structural empowerment with a coefficient of 0.41. Also, the positive and significant effect of organization empowerment on the job satisfaction of employees was confirmed with a coefficient of 0.53, and the positive and significant effect of structural empowerment on the euphoria of patients with a coefficient of 0.38, and the positive and significant effect of job satisfaction on the satisfaction of patients with a coefficient of 0.46 was confirmed. . Also, the indirect effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction for specialists and staff development through structural capability and the indirect effect of structural capability on patient satisfaction through job satisfaction were acknowledged.
CONCLUSION: Applying the transformational leadership style, by Iran's health insurance directors, in the first phase, will lead to the improvement of organizational empowerment, and finally, job satisfaction in patients and other recipients of services from the organizations. In order to improve the level of service quality and satisfy customers and receive services, the mentioned organizations can be in the style of creative transformation, structural and occupational empowerment of the people present.


Main Subjects

Podsakoff, Ph.M.; MacKenzie, S.B.; William H., (2016). Transformational leader behaviors and substitutes for leadership as determinants of employee satisfaction, commitment, trust, and organizational citizenship behaviors. J.  Manage., 22(2): 259-298 (39 pages).

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