Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Eyvanekey, Eyvanekey, Iran

2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Eyvanekey, Eyvanekey, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In recent years, the insurance industry has grown significantly and different companies started working with various services in this field. Since successful marketing is one of the main goals of insurance companies, it is very important to find people who are likely to want to use life insurance services. This achievement can lead to better management of capital and costs. The main objective of this research is to classify the views of life insurance customers of an insurance company based on text mining algorithms, so that this classification can be used as a basis for predicting potential customers in the future. Anticipating this category of customers. In that case, we will be able to adopt a suitable marketing strategy to sell our services.
METHODS: In this research, we have analyzed a textual dataset, including life insurance customer’s opinions. Despite the growing volume of this type of data, there are applicable tools for organizing, retrieving and discovering useful knowledge from them. In this regard, this research has been carried out on text processing techniques. These techniques seek useful information from unstructured textual data using pattern recognition and discovery. In this article, the views of customers related to life insurance have been examined as an independent issue. The main goal is to categorize these comments into positive and negative categories based on text mining algorithms. To achieve this objective, for the first time in the insurance industry, four different machine algorithms are used in line with text mining of policyholders' points of view.
FINDINGS: According to the techniques used in this research and the obtained results, it can be said that the support vector machine algorithm has the highest prediction accuracy criterion with 73% compared to other algorithms used in this research. At the same time, most of the insurance policyholders have also expressed a positive opinion about the services received, and this means that most of the customers using the mentioned services were satisfied with the company.
CONCLUSION: The majority of insured would like to keep this insurance service in their shopping basket in the future. Therefore, company managers can find their potential customers from among these people and plan to sell their services to them. By adopting this type of marketing strategy, managers can reduce the costs of their company and reduce the price of their services by saving marketing costs. It is natural that one of the important goals of any company is to earn more profit, and this will not be possible unless it maintains its customers by offering optimal prices and increases them day by day. Achieving this depends on our cost understanding, price acceptance, consumer satisfaction and strategic marketing actions. By exploiting the results of this research, it is possible to achieve a suitable marketing strategy for determining the price of insurance services. Determining the optimal price of insurance premium is considered a competitive advantage for companies. The price in all industries is subject to the law of supply and demand. Since getting the best price is one of the top priorities of insurance customers, even a small percentage change in premium prices will cause many customers to switch insurers. Therefore, optimal pricing can be very effective in increasing insurance profits.


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