Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan, Iran

2 Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan, Iran


Objective: Many harmful incidents are presented in criminal courts in order to be combined with bodily injury, and paying attention to the situation of the parties to the loss lawsuit, the interests of the insurer and the judicial system requires that the preparation of the loss is done with the least time and cost. The history of the judicial procedure shows that sometimes the criminal authority closes the case due to reasons such as the death of the accused, the absence of a crime, etc. The present study is carried out in order to explain the new approach of the legislator in the faster and less expensive compensation of bodily injuries, in order to examine the effect of Note (1) of Article 85 of the Criminal Procedure Law on the insurer, the theory of compensation for bodily damages caused by an accident in a proceeding to prevent To strengthen the insurer and judicial system from repeating lawsuits and imposing costs on the parties of the case.
Methodology: The method used in this research is the descriptive-analytical method, and the decisions in the judicial procedure will be used as study documents.
Findings: In addition to some disadvantages of the expanded interpretation of Note (1) of Article 85 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the analysis of the economic and social results of the mentioned regulation requires the need to deal with the consequences of an incident in a single manner, and the new procedure of the criminal courts is also in this direction. tends to
Conclusion: The scope of Note (1) of Article 85 of the Criminal Procedure Law can be extended to the personal injury insurance fund and the insurer in addition to the financial institution; Also, by including the injuries caused by the accident and those not caused by the accident in the aforementioned note, it is necessary to provide the necessary ground for dealing with the compensation of the physical damages caused by the accident in a proceeding.


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