Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Private Law, University of Tehran (Farabi Campus), Iran

2 Department of Registration Law, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: to use the property right insurance of the existing legal systems in Iranian law to solve the problems of real estate transactions
Research method: property right insurance in America is described and its position in Iranian law is analyzed.
Findings: Real estate transactions are sensitive transactions that can be predicted in various ways to regulate them and support the victims. The protection of the buyer in good faith requires the insurance of the transaction and the compensation of the loss due to the wrongdoing of the seller or the discovery of other defects of the seller. By accessing the registered information and by examining and auditing the property, insurance companies guarantee its legal and credit status in addition to the objective status, such as the absence of defects. The effects of this type of insurance are fruitful for the society and the legal system; Because in addition to maintaining the credibility of notary documents, through the review of insurers, it establishes the security and reliability of real estate transactions and the encouragement of buyers to make a safer purchase, and this itself can lead to the security of the transaction and increase the real value of the property, create employment and The most important thing is to detect corrupt transactions with property audits by insurance companies.
Result: The position of property right insurance among all types of insurance policies is a subset of property and sometimes liability insurance. There is no legal prohibition to apply this insurance in Iranian law. But one of the practical obstacles of this insurance is the state of real estate registration and transactions related to it in the country, which is not in line with the basic principles of economics and law. The proposals include the following: determining the general conditions of this insurance policy and its approval by the Supreme Council of Insurance and determining the exact amount of compensation from the owners and the way of compensation in these insurance policies. Provision of dedicated branches to deal with the cases of insurers' claims in the courts; Also, the interpretation of the law by court judges should be in line with maintaining the validity of the official document, and the approval of the law should be in line with the necessity of regulating real estate transactions by lawyers.


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