Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Golestan, Iran


Objective: One of the indicators of development in countries is the progress of their accounting and financial supervision. On the other hand, investors or creditors may suffer losses due to auditors' negligence, and the professional liability insurance of official accountants can be an effective solution in compensating these victims; But this type of insurance has not been developed in Iran and insurance companies have not accepted the risks related to it. Therefore, the professional liability insurance of certified accountants has an undeniable importance in the development of insurance, which is discussed in this research.
Methodology: For this purpose, research questionnaires were provided to the community of certified accountants and senior insurance experts (N = 30) and for data analysis, Delphi method, SWOT matrix, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Dimtel method were used. And Analytical Network Process (ANP) was used.
Findings: The results of Delphi method and SWOT matrix showed that the development of this insurance in Iran has six strengths, six weaknesses, six opportunities and seven challenges. The results of the AHP process showed that among the strengths, the transfer of risks of accounting and auditing professionals; Among the weaknesses, the incompleteness and vagueness of the current rules and regulations of the professional responsibility of certified accountants; Among the opportunities, society's need for new types of insurance in the future; And among the challenges, the low insurance culture in Iran is the first priority.

Conclusion: Finally, the ranking results of the development strategies of auditors' professional liability insurance with the ANP process showed that the invasion strategy (development of auditors' professional liability insurance according to the future needs of society) is the best strategy.


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