Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Education Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Counseling, Islamic Azad University (Roudehen Branch), Tehran, Iran


An organization which expands entrepreneurship is capable in regard of learning, innovation and effect on the environment. The learning organization models are suitable to investigate the entrepreneurship among the public organizartions. The current study is aimed at examining the role of learning organization components on the employee’s entrepreneurial performance in an insurance company. The hypotheses have been extracted and tested based on the literature of the learning organization and the organizational entrepreneurship. The research method is Correlation Descriptive combined with documentary and Field Study methods. The statistical population includes 500 employees of an insurance company and 275 of them have been selected based on Cochran sampling and according to the standardized questionnaire of 55 questions with Cronbach Alpha of more than 0.7, Watkins and Marsik learning organization model and Zampetakis and Moustakis Entrepreneurial Performance based on the stratified and systematic sampling have been studied. Data analysis in both sections of descriptive (frequencies, mean and chart) and inference (one sample TTest, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multi- Sample Regression) has been done. Findings indicated that the insurance company under study is in the middle level based on the learning organization and entrepreneurial performance model and the independent variable of learning organization model has a strong and direct relation with the entrepreneurial performance. Also, there is a direct and significant (meaningful) relation between individual, team and organizational learning and entrepreneurial performance. Multi variable regression results indicated that learning organization component anticipated about 65.6% of the dependant variable of entrepreneurial performance. The research variable continuous learning and team learning are the most important components of the learning organization in explaining the entrepreneurial performance of the insurance company's employees.


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