Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Strategic Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


In this research, the pattern of the relationship between the feasibility and the effectiveness of the strategy in the insurance industry has been examined. This research is based on the developmental result; Based on the purpose, descriptive-explanatory; Based on the type of data, quantitative-qualitative (combined) and based on the role of the researcher, it is independent of the research process. The strategy of this research is quantitative in terms of survey and qualitatively in terms of foundational data theory. The statistical population of the first group for the implementation of the qualitative research method includes 17 experts from the members of the board of directors, managing and senior managers of insurance companies, with whom a special interview was conducted to identify the elements of implementing the strategy. The selection of this group is based on a purposeful judgment method. The statistical population of the second group for the quantitative part of the research includes managing directors, senior managers and vice presidents of the insurance industry, which is 102 people using the formula of Cochran's unlimited population, and they have been selected according to the stratified sampling method according to the number of managers of each insurance company. Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure the reliability of the research questions and confirmatory factor analysis was used to measure the construct validity of the questionnaire. The results of these tests show that the questions have the required reliability and validity. Foundation data theory method was used to analyze the interview data and Pearson's correlation coefficient and structural equation model were used to analyze the questionnaire data. The results of this research indicate that there is a significant relationship between strategy implementation and its effectiveness in the insurance industry. The correlation coefficient between these two variables is 0.73. The results of the qualitative data analysis show that from the point of view of industry experts, the dimensions of implementing strategy in the insurance industry include human, organizational, strategic and environmental factors, which increases its effectiveness or, in other words, the degree of realization of strategic goals.


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