Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Customer satisfaction is the most important factor in competition among organizations. For this reason, knowing the level of customer satisfaction is very important for managers. The companies active in the insurance industry and the managers of the central insurance of J.A. also need to know the level of satisfaction of the policyholders in order to improve their activities, but before that, to measure the satisfaction of the policyholders, it is necessary to design a tool that fits the characteristics of this industry. In this research, a model for measuring the satisfaction of insurance policyholders is presented, which consists of ten indicators, which are categorized into three categories: process variables, content variables, and textual variables. Also, the indicators of the mentioned model considering three insurance processes; Before buying or advertising, purchase of insurance policy and claim process is designed. The geographical area of this research is 10 provinces, and the target sample was selected from 10 insurance fields. In this research, the representatives and insurers of 16 insurance companies were used to collect questionnaire information. In order to fit the model, the structural equation test was used by Lisrel software, and the data obtained from the survey of 37,064 collected questionnaire samples showed that the designed model has a high fit.


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