Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katul branch, Golestan, Iran


Our goal in this research is to segment the customers of an insurance company. For this purpose, first by examining the background of the research as well as interviewing customers and insurance industry experts, 30 variables were identified as the expected values of customers. Factor analysis, K-means cluster analysis and Pearson chi-square test were used for data analysis. After identifying the variables, a questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale was prepared, and after determining the validity and reliability of the distribution, 371 questionnaires were collected. After preparing the data, by performing factor analysis, these variables were summarized in the form of 5 factors (quality, financial, human, tangible and ease), which explained more than 62% of the total variance. Then, based on the obtained results and cluster analysis, 4 clusters of customers (price-oriented, service-oriented, convenience-oriented and relationship oriented) were identified. Finally, the results of the chi-square test showed that the clusters of customers have significant differences in terms of age, marital status, education level and income.


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