Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Economics, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Fars, Iran


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effective factors, determine their direction and how each factor affects the probability of a person being placed in different levels of medical insurance demand, in this regard, from the generalized cumulative logit model, information of 289 households, public health questionnaire, risk-Madsij questionnaire, The financial risk tolerance questionnaire, the standard questionnaire of the five dimensions of the quality of medical services and the researcher-made questionnaire were used. The results of the model validity tests, including goodness of fit, parallel regressions and maximum likelihood method-Newton-Raphson algorithm, indicate the validity of the model up to 84% confidence, according to the results of people who were healthier at birth, insurance is less desirable for them and therefore the probability of their occurrence At lower levels, the demand for health insurance increases. With increasing age, the probability of contracting a disease and the possibility of increasing the demand for health insurance increases. As treatment costs increase, the utility of insurance will increase. People who pay more attention to their health have more demand for health insurance. With the increase in the level of literacy, the individual's understanding and understanding of the value of health will be improved and will make treatment insurance more desirable. Increasing a person's level of awareness of the negative consequences of the disease (positive health) increases the final utility of health and, as a result, the demand for insurance. Increasing the financial risk of illness, horizontal and vertical insurance coverage increases insurance satisfaction. According to the results of the neural network model, financial risk variables, insurance premiums and medical expenses have the most influence and beliefs and health savings have the least effect on medical insurance demand. This means that financial risk, insurance premiums and medical expenses are very effective in people's decision to buy insurance.


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