Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Financial Management, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katul Branch, Golestan, Iran

2 Department of Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this article is to evaluate the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on efficiency based on the data coverage analysis model in Iran's insurance industry. First, by using the data coverage analysis approach, the efficiency of the companies is determined through the input variables (operating and administrative workforce, shareholders' capital, and administrative and general expenses) and output (cost of incurred damages and intermediary costs) and then by calculating the mechanisms Corporate governance and the effect of each of these mechanisms on the efficiency of the insurance industry has been studied through the self-regulation regression method. In this article, 14 companies have been selected by the systematic elimination method, and their efficiency was determined using the Anderson and Peterson method. According to the information obtained from the average efficiency score of the companies in the six-year period (1389-1394), we have seen fluctuations in the efficiency of this industry, and the findings of the research also indicate that corporate governance has had an impact on the efficiency of these companies, and among the governance mechanisms Corporate, board size, board independence and financial expertise have had a positive and significant effect on the efficiency of the insurance industry.


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