Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Economic Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


One of the prevailing principles in life insurance law is the existence of an insurable interest. This principle is related to the public policy and life insurance contracts without insurable interest raises the possibility of moral hazard and deliberate harm to people’s lives and property. Therefore, it is truly necessary to ensure existence of this principle and determine some factors to identify it. Hence, two criteria are presented for identifying insurable interest, including spiritual factor and economic factor.  Former factor mentions each person has an insurable interest in his life and loved ones, including wife, parents, children and other members of family. Latter factor refers to financial dependency between two persons, two business partner, key employees of a company and the debtor. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the intricacies of insurable interest through study of legal cases raised in the common law. This study analyzes these complexity and the precision of legal opinions.


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