Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Personal Insurance Research Group, Member of the Academic Board of Insurance Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Executive Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Marketing, Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch, Zanjan, Iran


This research aims to evaluate the satisfaction of the customers of the country's insurance industry with insurance services. The field research method was based on a questionnaire based on 6580 samples of customers of 19 companies active in the country's insurance industry in 2013. The model and its used indicators are determined based on the service marketing mix. The findings of the research show that in terms of field, the lowest level of satisfaction was related to the field of ship insurance and the highest level of satisfaction was related to the field of oil and energy insurance. In terms of satisfaction for each of the indicators, the most satisfied with the simplicity and speed when issuing the insurance policy and the least satisfied with the amount of damage received. Also, the comparison of customer satisfaction by insurance companies shows the effect of the age of their activity on the level of customer satisfaction. On the other hand, the size (risk holding capacity) and the state of ownership (public/private) of insurance companies have not shown a significant effect on the level of customer satisfaction. The detailed results of this research are used in identifying the weaknesses of insurance companies and solving them from the point of view of obtaining customer satisfaction.


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