Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Economics, School of Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Iran

2 Department of Business Management - Department of Insurance Management, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran


The insurance industry is one of the industries that require the active role of policyholders to provide services, so that it will not be possible to provide optimal services if the policyholders and companies that provide services in this industry do not cooperate. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between cooperative behavior and citizenship behavior of customers (insurers) with the intention of leaving their purchase in an insurance company. This research is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of nature. In this research, 385 people were selected as a sample using Cochran's formula and a simple random sampling method, and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to measure the research variables. The results of the research using structural equation analysis with the help of AMOS software showed that the cooperative behavior of customers (insurers), the citizenship behavior of customers and customer satisfaction have a negative and significant effect on the intention to quit shopping. It was also found that the cooperative behavior of customers and the citizenship behavior of customers have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.


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