Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Information Science and Epistemology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Zabol University, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran

2 Department of Executive Management, Responsible for Income Claims of Social Security Organization, Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran


The expansion of insurance is one of the solutions of governments, especially democratic and people-oriented governments, to achieve a healthy society with sustainable health. So that with the expansion and generalization of insurances, all aspects of a person's life in the society are covered by insurance. The purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the obstacles to the implementation of the health insurance system based on the three-pronged model in three structural, contextual, and behavioral dimensions. The research method of this research is a combination (qualitative-quantitative) with an exploratory approach. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part includes 30 people from Zahedan's social security experts, and relevant information was collected using interviews. In this section, after the interview, the content of the interview was analyzed using the theme analysis method, and the sub-dimensions of the three obstacles were identified, and after the obstacles were identified, the indicators were ranked using the hierarchical analysis method and Expert choice software. The results of the hierarchical analysis in this section showed that the inconsistency rate of this test is 0.03 and because it is less than the criterion of 0.1, therefore the reliability of the research tool is confirmed. Also, the results of the hierarchical analysis showed that the contextual dimensions with a weight of 0.582 had the highest priority, and the structural and behavioral dimensions had the weights of 0.279 and 0.139, respectively. In the quantitative part, 250 questionnaires were randomly distributed among the employees of Zahedan Social Security Organization. The results of the average test of a community showed that all dimensions of behavioral, contextual, and structural barriers have an effect on the implementation of the health insurance system from the point of view of the respondents.


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