Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Energy Economics, School of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran

3 International Oil Contracts Management Department, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran


Natural resources and Anfal are one of the most important financial resources of the Islamic government. In the meantime, oil and gas hydrocarbon sources have gained double importance due to the energy supply of various industries and the daily needs of households and the abundant foreign exchange for the exporting countries. According to the narrative and jurisprudential texts and the presented criteria, oil and gas fields are part of the esoteric mines and are included in the legal regime of Anfal, and in terms of ownership in the age of occultation, it depends on the existence or absence of the Islamic government, which means that in the absence of the Islamic government and expansion The Faqeeh Jame Al-Shari'at has analyzed these sources for the benefit of the Shiites, and in the event of the formation of an Islamic government, they have been placed at the disposal of the ruler of Sharia, so that they can be used in line with the common interests of Muslims. In this regard, the present article tries to prove the hypothesis of the obligation of oil contractors to insure oil wells by using the descriptive analytical method and by referring to the narrative texts and jurisprudential rules (the rule of expediency and rationality).


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