Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 University of Mazandaran

2 Department of Economics, School of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran


Export insurance helps to facilitate exports and the growth of the global economy by reducing and compensating commercial, political and economic risks. Of course, there are different views about the effect of export insurance on exports. Despite this issue and considering that export insurance increases the cost of exporting goods, the significance of the effect of export insurance on exports is worthy of consideration. In this regard, the present study tests the hypothesis that export insurance has a positive and significant effect on exports. For this purpose, the econometric model of panel data for 40 selected countries including 20 developed countries and 20 developing countries during the period of 2005 to 2013 has been used. The results obtained from the panel data model show the positive and significant effect of export insurance on the exports of selected countries. Based on this, it is recommended that policymakers and exporters pay special attention to export insurance.


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