Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Imam Sadiq (p.b.u.h) University, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays Life insurance is a common contract and apart from the security it provides for people, has great investment potentials for the economics. There are two approaches for shariah correction and understanding the legal stance of the life insurance contracts. One is the determination basis of contracts and having a legal place in the jurisprudential contracts and the other is the non-determination basis of contracts and the evaluations using general reasoning. Based on non-determination point of view, when life insurance as an independent contract is compared in general and free from conflicts, we may consider it permissible. To achieve this aim, we should solve problems like ambiguity (Gharar), dependence (Taligh) and usury (Riba) in life insurance and if it is free of conflicts then we may consider it permissible.


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