Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Management, School of Economics and Management, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Sales representatives are the essential life force of the insurance industry. They are the communication bridge between the organization and the customers. Communication is one of the abilities needed by every representative; However, some factors cause a degree of communication avoidance. In the present study, the aim is to identify the factors affecting communication avoidance. The research method was considered to be a descriptive mixture of participant selection, which is carried out in two quantitative and qualitative stages. The statistical population of the research was the representatives of an insurance company in Ahvaz city. According to Morgan's table, 86 people were selected randomly for the statistical sample and the questionnaires were distributed among them. In order to identify the effective factors on communication avoidance, in the first phase, with the help of McCroskey's communication avoidance questionnaire, the status of communication avoidance was identified. According to the results of the first phase, the representatives had a low score in terms of communication avoidance, among which the representatives who experienced the highest amount of communication avoidance were selected for an in-depth individual interview. In the second phase, the answers obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the thematic analysis method, and three categories of individual factors (characteristics of the agent, motivation, information, and experience), environmental factors (observer and customer), and organizational factors (laws related to insurances, training, issues related to representatives and branch employees) were identified as effective factors on the level of lack of communication among representatives. While explaining the factors, suggestions were made to solve them.


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