Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran


One of the important methods of implementing and expanding the level of health and treatment in the society is the use of supplementary treatment insurance coverage. Price satisfaction is one of the important aspects of customer satisfaction of these services. On the other hand, one of the concepts that is used to study customers' reaction to price is their willingness to pay. In this research, Matzler's standard questionnaire was used to collect data related to price satisfaction, and the conditional evaluation method in the form of a payment card was used to extract the willingness to pay of insurance policy holders. The statistical population of the research is complementary treatment insurance policyholders in Iran Insurance Company in Tehran with 383 questionnaires. The average willingness of people to pay for the extension of supplementary treatment insurance is 14.46462 Tomans (with a standard deviation of 19149.536) per person and per month. Structural equation modeling and partial least squares method with Smart PLS software were used for data analysis. The results indicate that price satisfaction explains 84.4% of the changes in willingness to pay, and among the dimensions of price satisfaction, price-quality ratio has the greatest effect and price reliability has the least effect on the willingness to pay of policyholders.


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