Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Industries, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Deregulation and specifically the cancellation of entry monopoly is one of the most important institutional changes in the insurance industry in the last decade. In most countries of the world, many researches have been conducted on the analysis of the effect of institutional change on the industry. However, according to the survey, institutional changes and efficiency of Iran's insurance industry have not been studied together. While quickly reviewing the concepts of institutionalism, this article analyzes the privatization and efficiency of Iran's insurance industry during the years 1382 to 1389 by devising a two-step method by combining the mathematical planning method with the statistical method. In the first stage, for the first time, the efficiency of insurance companies has been calculated in a more realistic way by using data envelopment analysis with non-deterministic output (steady optimization). In the second stage or performance analysis, generalized estimator equations were used to examine other correlated variables that were not used in the coverage analysis model.


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