Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Private Law, Imam Sadegh(as) University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Private Law, Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran

3 Department of Private Law, Bu Ali Sina University, Tehran, Iran


With the growth of insurance industry nowadays, new hazards are covered every day. Among these, personal liability for wergild is also covered. Here, it is necessary to recognize as in Sharia, the identity of wergild and the aim of various insurances until it is finally clear if we can accept jurisprudentially-legally the wergild insurance for the loss in personal insurances? And can we put the wergild payment in insurance contracts and oblige underwriters to pay wergild instead of the insured? It seems that we can accept the wergild in liability insurances and we can also demand losses in excess of wergild, citing the loss rejection reasons and even pay the retractable wergild insurance with personal insurances as in life insurance. Hence, this paper offers both analytical and applicable aspects which can be used by Iranian insurance companies.


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