Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Industrial Management, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran


Providing jobs and creating employment opportunities has always been one of the basic needs of societies, which always requires a lot of investment from the government and the private sector. In this context, small businesses and, as a result, micro-employment, with the need for minimal capital and based on the entrepreneurial potential of the society, provide the possibility of effective and increasing use of resources and help governments to achieve the goals of creating employment and developing the welfare of the society.

In this research, the subject of small businesses and small businesses and the factors affecting their sustainability have been discussed. For this purpose, using questionnaires and interviews with experts, which include 85 self-employed and successful entrepreneurs who created micro-employment and managed to maintain their employment between 1385-1390 by using the Qarz-ul-Hasane facility of Imam Reza's Seal Fund. , identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the sustainability of micro-businesses. Using the SAW technique, the main factors have been identified and these factors have been ranked using the FAHP fuzzy hierarchical analysis method. The results indicated that insurance as a facilitator in the group of external factors can play an effective role in the sustainability of small businesses.


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