Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Neyriz branch, Fars, Iran


The role of commercial insurance in covering the damages caused by various risks to human societies is undeniable. Ever since humans have faced danger, they have been constantly looking for a solution to prevent the occurrence of dangers or to find a way to compensate for the resulting damages. One of the ways to compensate for damages is to insure property and legal and professional responsibilities. For centuries, insurance has been the focus of civilized societies, and every day more than the previous day, people tend towards it with the knowledge they get about it.

The use of insurance as a way to compensate for damages is subject to certain conditions, which means that any user can claim damages up to a certain time, and for this purpose, Article 36 of the Insurance Law provides for the passage of time, and after the stipulated period, insurance claims are subject to the passage of time. Will be. Since in our country, the laws must be based on Sharia rulings, in 1363, the Guardian Council does not consider the passage of time in the civil procedure law to be a right. Therefore, this debate is raised whether the passage of time in the insurance (commercial insurance) law is obsolete or whether it is still valid. This research talks about the passage of time and its types and its difference with legal deadlines. In the end, as a conclusion, we will say that the passage of time has remained in effect in the insurance law and the passage of time is divided into legal and contractual categories.


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