Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Tehran University, Qom Campus, Tehran, Iran


The present research examines the effectiveness of life insurance sales methods. In order to sell insurance services, sellers need to be equipped with effective methods and techniques. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to first identify sales methods and indicators to measure their effectiveness, and then to evaluate the effectiveness of sales methods and their ranking. In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, research hypotheses have been proposed and descriptive-survey research methods have been used. The studied society includes two classes of heads of insurance branches and top representatives and brokers of insurance companies in Tehran, 60 people from the first class and 85 people from the second class and a total of 145 people were selected as samples. The obtained results indicate that customer-oriented, consultative, collaborative, relational, adaptive, systemic and cross sales methods have a positive and significant relationship with effectiveness indicators. Regression analysis has also shown that out of seven sales methods related to effectiveness indicators, only two sales methods, consultative and collaborative, explain the most changes in the dependent variable, and among them, consultative sales are more important than others.


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