Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


The use of the Internet and information technology in the insurance industry for the purpose of producing and distributing insurance services is interpreted as electronic insurance, which not only creates a competitive advantage for insurance companies, but also makes it possible for companies to communicate with the number of More people can attract more customers through the website. It is believed that trust is the key to customer relationship. As a result, the online trust of customers in this way of service is one of the influencing factors on their use of this type of service. In this research, using the Corbit model, an attempt was made to investigate the influence of trust on the use of insurance companies' electronic services by insurance policyholders, as well as the factors affecting online trust. The results of data analysis using standardized regression coefficient and t-student test show a strong relationship between perceived trust and the use of electronic services. From the research hypothesis test, it was also found that perceived technical ability, perceived market orientation, perceived website quality, and perceived risk respectively have an effect on the trust that policyholders perceive after visiting the website of insurance companies.


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