Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 Department of Science and Technology Policy, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

3 Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Background and Objective: The development of new financial markets, such as insurtech, has become a focus for researchers and policymakers. This study aims to identify the challenges faced by insurance companies in Iran in adopting insurtech.
METHODS: The research method was qualitative and data was collected through theoretical study, literature review, and interviews with experts. Qualitative content analysis was conducted using MAXQDA software. The credibility of the analysis was assessed using data-oriented reliability. The study population included managers of insurtech businesses in Iran.
Findings: Through interviews, consensus was reached on various challenges. After coding, 52 initial indicators were identified, leading to the identification of 21 subcomponents and 12 main components. The credibility of the coding was confirmed using the Kappa test. The identified dimensions and factors included culture, integration, training, conflict of interests, financial issues, management structure, infrastructure, regulations, neglect of innovation and new products, lack of investment, taxes, and contracts. The experts predicted the strongest consensus among conflict of interests, management structure, regulations, infrastructure, culture, and training.
Conclusion: The challenges and barriers to adopting insurtech in Iran can be categorized into macro and micro levels. At the macro level, there are obstacles related to laws, regulations, monopolies, and infrastructure that require government attention. At the micro level, obstacles include organizational interests, culture, structure, infrastructure, and training that should be addressed by organizational managers. Without proper implementation of these factors, insurtech activities cannot thrive in Iran. The proposed framework can assist managers and policymakers in addressing these challenges.


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