Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University, Quds Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Shahid Sattari University, Tehran, Iran


Objective: In today's world, where technology is growing at a very fast pace and along with the emergence of innovation, the insurance industry is not exempt from this trend and is keeping pace with the world's technologies. Therefore, in the current research the antecedents and consequences of value creation in the insurance service industry with a focus on blockchain "technology (a hybrid research approach) was studied.
Methodology: From the point of view of methodology, this research is an applied research and it is combined with a descriptive-exploratory approach. In the qualitative phase, the statistical population of the research, in the section of research texts, has been extracted from among the scientific articles related to the subject in the period of 2015 to 2022 through advanced search on the Google website and also Science Direct articles. Then, to conduct a semi-structured interview, experts were selected from 6 private insurance companies, including Asia Insurance, Dana, Pasargad, Kowsar, Parsian and Saman, as well as from 2 governmental insurance companies (Iran Insurance and Central Insurance). The statistical sample in the qualitative part with a targeted (judgmental) approach reached the limit of 14 person, and on the other hand, the statistical community in the quantitative part of the research, a total of 130 managers who are familiar with the insurance technologies from the 8 mentioned companies, were covered. The obtained statistical sample was 96 people based on stratified random sampling method with proportional assignment. In the qualitative part, the data collection method was field and library (interview method and reading texts) and the data collection tools included interview guide or interview card and questionnaire were selected. In the quantitative stage of the method of collecting field data and collection tools, the researcher made a questionnaire with 82 questions, that validity has been confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis and reliability through Cronbach's alpha. Qualitative data analysis was done using the foundation data analysis method while using MAXQDA 18 software and quantitative data analysis was done using confirmatory factor analysis method in SMART PLS software. Also, by using DIMATEL's approach, the effectiveness, influence and interactivity of the factors of the main categories were investigated in relation to each other (2 factors from each category and 12 factors in total).
Findings: In total, 495 codes were extracted from 57 articles and 153 codes from 14 interviews in the form of 32 main categories and 57 subcategories. Quantitative findings indicated the confirmation of all assumptions of the proposed model. The results of DIMATEL's analysis also showed that the most interactivity was related to intelligent communication, the least interactivity was related to digital transformational leadership, the highest effectiveness was related to the variable of robotic automation of processes, and the highest effectiveness was related to risk management and insurance losses
Conclusion: The overall results showed that the development of value creation strategies through smart marketing channels and new technologies leads to competitive advantage and digital transformation in the insurance industry and the development of infrastructure and digital value creation space in the insurance industry through the channel of this technology is extremely vital and sensitive.


Main Subjects

Ahmadian, A.A., (2019). Co-creation of value. Adiban Rooz.Publ.

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