Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economic, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of General Studies of Insurance, Insurance Research Center, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Objective: Environmental or green marketing is a developing subjet, and this type of marketing in recent years has affected the insurance industry, as an active industry in human social life. Based on this belief, in the research, an attempt has been made to identify the main standards of green marketing evaluation in general, so that based on that, a model for green marketing audit will be presented and Iran's insurance industry can move forward under this cover of green marketing.
METHODS: Methodology: In this regard, first tried to identify the main indicators of green insurance, then after thechnical assessmnet the experts of the insurance industry finally approved them. After that, 10 main criteria, which divided into 24 sub-criteria, obtained. In the questionnaire stage, between evaluation and insurance, the internal ratio of the qualities and the final weight of each quality obtained. The obtained results are analyzed using fuzzy DEMATEL and hierarchical method, and the final green audit model for the insurance industry presented.
FINDINGS: Findings: According to the obtained results, among the causes, purpose and agency have had the most important effect on all qualities. That is, this feature has the role of a stimulus and by optimizing them, other factors can be expected. Also, the green sales factor is strongly influenced by other factors, and by optimizing other factors, the sales factor will also be optimized. In addition, the objective and mission criteria with an effective weight of 0.23 were the most important and the green design criterion with an effective weight of 0.24 was the least important. Finally, using the opinion of insurance company managers, the green marketing of Iran's insurance industry has been audited and we found that the green marketing score of Iran's insurance industry is 2.7 so it is less than the average on a scale of 1 to 5, that is, the value of 3 has been obtained.
CONCLUSION: Iran Insurance Company has the highest score in the criteria of fair and reasonable price of its products and providing of added value to the customers against the paid costs. According to these results, this company has obtained the lowest score in the criteria of organizing seminars to inform the organizations of its contracting parties on environmental issues and obtaining environmental certificates. At the end, suggestions have been made in two sections for all industries and then a dedicated section for the insurance industry in order to improve these criteria.


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