Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Commerce and Business, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial and Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Management and Accounting, Farabi Campus, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Customer experience management enables the insurance company to retain valuable and experienced customers and provides a forward-looking view of what customers expect from their sponsors. Customer experience management directly captures the voice of the experience, in which case all parts of the insurance company work for one goal, which is to meet the needs of the customer. This management approach creates a framework in each part of the insurance company so that they can take the customer's voice into account when making decisions. In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to design a model for managing customer experience in personal insurance.
METHODS: To achieve this goal, first the effective factors and indicators affecting the management of customer experience in personal insurance are identified based on the data model of the foundation and then these factors and indicators are categorized. Considering that the purpose of this research is a sequential exploratory combination of instrumental modeling, designing and compiling a model based on the criteria designed by the model, the use of case study method and semi-structured interviews with experts and professors led to the development of research model criteria. Based on the interviews conducted and reviewing previous studies, the effective factors on human resource development strategies in domestic and foreign categories have been identified.
FINDINGS: A total of 17 categories and 104 concepts were identified and extracted, and ultimately the consequences, outcomes, and results of strategies or actions are reactions. In total, the model obtained in the present study consists of 6 dimensions, 17 components and 104 indicators, respectively. In this research, the category of "customer experience management model in personal insurance" is mentioned in almost all interviews and plays a pivotal role. Causal conditions In the proposed model, the six central codes of "time management", "cost management", "leisure management", "appropriate decision making", "welfare and comfort" and "social conditions" are considered as causal conditions.

CONCLUSION: The main purpose of designing a model of insurance customer experience as a trip is that in addition to the good knowledge we gain from the customer, we can identify his tastes and interests and provide him with a unique experience. The present is a relatively comprehensive model based on the customer experience management model in personal insurance and is more appropriate than other models provided by experts in terms of being developed for non-service communities. The proposed model of this research helps senior insurance industry managers in general and individuals insurance in particular in managing the customer experience, and allows them to make decisions in a vacuum and have a better understanding of customer expectations by providing a set of processes that the company uses to track, monitor and organize any interaction between the customer and the organization during the customer life cycle.


Main Subjects

Moharramzadeh, M.; Mohammadi Alagoz, H., (2017). Relationship of customer experience management (customer experience management) with organizational productivity in insurance offices. The second international financial services marketing conference, Tehran, December 6. (In Persian)

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