Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Ghaem Shahr Branch, Mazandaran, Iran


Objective: This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the factors of optimal corporate governance in the Iranian insurance company and prioritizing them using the TOPSIS fuzzy method.
Methodology: The present research was descriptive-survey based on the mixed method in terms of practical purpose and in terms of data collection. In identifying the factors, the theme analysis method was used and in prioritizing the components, the fuzzy TOPSIS method was used. The community of experts in the qualitative phase included 15 Iranian insurance managers and the statistical sample included 152 people in the quantitative phase. Semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were also used as data collection tools.
Findings: The research model was obtained in the form of 5 optional codes, 12 core codes and 74 sub-themes using the Delphi method from the consensus of experts. In surveying the research model, the components were ranked based on value weights. The results showed that the component of separation of the role of the chairman of the board of directors and the CEO had the highest value weight and the component of the selected employee representative had the lowest value weight among 74 indicators.
Conclusion: Corporate governance is an optimal tool to protect the rights of shareholders and beneficiaries in the insurance industry.


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