Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Mechatronics, South Tehran Azad University and business intelligence expert of Alborz Insurance Company


Objective: The need to increase the penetration rate of insurance in Iran requires insurance companies to use new methods to increase people's attention to insurance, attract new customers, and retain old customers. In the meantime, gamification is one of the possibilities of new software in the discussion of customer relationship management, which provides the ability to implement attractive and diverse solutions, including scoring, awards, sharing, etc., using the information available in the database of insurance companies. Using it, customers can be divided from different perspectives (loyalty, profitability, etc.).
Methodology: In this research, in order to implement the proposed method, the data of the real policyholders of the selected insurance company in the last three years were used while maintaining their security and confidentiality, and the policyholders were divided into 4 special categories, superior, middle and weak, and in order to benefit from various gamification techniques, Appropriate methods were used for each group of them according to the characteristics of gender, age, etc.
Findings: The results showed that it is possible to benefit from the items that are used for bonuses and discounts for premium and special insurers. He also used techniques to encourage and improve the level of the policyholder, such as step-by-step progress, for intermediate customers and bringing them to the level of special customers. At the levels of weak customers, marketing techniques and increasing the range of potential customers, such as the possibility of sharing or wheel of chance, can be used.
Conclusion: The implementation of the gamification system in the insurance industry, taking into account the levels and unique characteristics of the policyholders, is a broad topic that can be an interesting research field in the future.


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