Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Private Law, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Objective: The present study deals with the comparative study of force majeure incompulsory insurance laws. The basic question that has been considered in this regard is, what does Force Maurer have in the compulsory insurance laws? In other words, is the compensation of the major force-damages in the event of accidents caused by the vehicles to the insurer and the fund for damages?
Methodology: Descriptive-analytical- The present study is a comparative study compiled using the library method and referencing legal texts and related resources.
findings: The findings of the research indicate that Article 4 of the Compulsory Insurance Act 1968 excludes losses caused by force majeure, such as war, flood, etc. from insurance policy obligations, but in the Law on the Amendments to the Law on Compulsory Insurance of 2008, the inclusion of out-of- The cover of the letter of insurance was deleted, and from the same time it was asked whether, with the removal of the force majeure from the inclusion of this article, compensation for the damage caused by it has been placed by the insurer and the fund.
 Until the adoption of the new law in 2016, the procedure for the elimination of force majeure was confirmed and repeated beyond the scope of the insurance policy, and, furthermore, the concept of the incident expanded and the phrase "any type of disaster caused by vehicle accidents due to accidents" In anticipation "joined it. What the author intends to emphasize is the comparative analysis of the compensation for major force damages in accordance with the compulsory insurance policy of the insurer and the fund for providing financial damages.

Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that in Iranian law, an accident is considered synonymous with force majeure, so long as the legislator makes no distinction in terms of retribution, between the unexpected incident and the force majeure. Therefore, it must be said that the unforeseen events in this law are in fact those caused by the force majeure or the power of the lawmaker, and the legislator, by obliging the insurer and the fund of indemnity damages to compensate for the unforeseen accident and accident. The responsibility is absolute.


  1. 1)     کتب

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    3) قوانین

    1. بیمه اجباری مسؤولیت مدنی دارندگان وسایل نقلیه موتوری زمینی در مقابل شخص ثالث 1347
    2.   بیمه اجباری مسؤولیت مدنی دارندگان وسایل نقلیه موتوری زمینی در مقابل شخص ثالث 1387
    3. بیمه‌ی اجباری خسارات  وارد شده  به شخص ثالث در اثر حوادث ناشی از وسایل نقلیه1395
    4. قانون مدنی
    5. قانون تجارت
    6. قانون مدنی فرانسه
    7. قانون آیین دادرسی کیفری
    8. نظریه شماره 2698/7- 31/04/ 1377


    ب) منابع لاتین

    1) Kunreuther, H., 1968. The case for comprehensive disaster      insurance. Journal of Law & Economics, Vol. 11, p;133-13.    


    2)    Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1978, Vol. II Part.


    3)    Mazeaud (H.L.J.) – de Juglar (M.), Leçons de Droit Civil, T.II, ler Vol. Paris 1978, no 572 et 573

    4)    Weill (A.) Terre (F.), Droit Civil, Les obligations, Paris, 1980, no. 412

    5)    . CARBONNIER (J), Droit Civil, T. 4, Obiligations, 7e éd. Paris 1972, no 74, p. 245Y WELL, Op. cit., no 412.

    6)    Weill (A.) Terre (F.), Droit Civil, Les obligations, Paris, 1980, no. 412.

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