Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, School of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Financial Economics, Office for Supervision of Life Insurance Center Insurance of I.R.Iran


Objective: To provide a more efficient method for measuring the market risk of insurance companies in the model of financial prosperity of Regulation No. 69 of the Supreme Insurance Council. The market risk coefficient of the financial wealth model is facing two main problems: firstly, in the calculation of this coefficient, different methods and their efficiency have not been properly investigated, and secondly, the calculated coefficient is for normal conditions, and in its calculation, the effects of economic shocks are used to extract volatility in critical conditions. stress) is not included. Therefore, the aim of this research is to present a new method in which two autoregression models with distributed lag (ARDL) and generalized autoregression heteroskedasticity (GARCH) are combined.
Methodology: using the statistical data of the total index of Tehran Stock Exchange (TEPIX), economic growth, inflation rate and exchange rate, on a quarterly basis and in the period of 4:1378-1396:4 and using the measure of value at risk (VaR), We modeled the market risk of investing in shares of listed companies. For this purpose, three simple variance-covariance methods, AR-GARCH model and ARDL-EGARCH model were used. Finally, using Kopik's feedback test, the ARDL-EGARCH model was recognized as the best model.
Findings: It shows that using the method presented in this article is more efficient than other methods in estimating the market risk coefficient of the wealth model.

Conclusion: The results show that by using this model, the market risk coefficient of investing in shares of listed companies under the financial prosperity model is estimated at 39% in normal economic conditions and 86.4% in crisis and stress conditions.


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