Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatab’i University, Tehran, Iran


Insurance industry has faced many changes during the recent decade, most of which are difficult, complex, ambiguous and unavoidable which made planning, directing and maintaining the organizational changes difficult. The purpose behind the current study is providing an integrated model to manage any change of the complex events– that is inherent nature of any change- by identifying relationships between the critical elements. In such a
model, the institutional factors and cultural context of the organization of the changing firm should be considered which is of importance in Iranian organizations because of their significant differences with the western organizations. In this study, 21 successful manager and successful factors in insurance companies were interviewed and after a content analysis the gathered data of the interviews and organizational documents, were analyzed and screened by Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to ensure expert

consensus and on the other hand, to cover ordinary mind uncertainty. This model contains 4 dimensions, 15 components and 41 variables and tries to help the insurance companies analyze the current status and optimize the successful experiences of other organizations and take a step regarding executing successful and stable changes.


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