Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University (Roudehen Branch), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Actuarial, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Computing relative premiums in Bonus-Malus systems based on Bayesian methods is used and confirmed by most of actuaries, but due to the complexity of computations, the obtained results based on the Bayesian methods are not utilizing and suitable for use in practice. Two new methods for evaluation of relative premium in the Bonus-Malus system have been proposed in the current article. The first method is based on using Maximum Entropy Theory (Maximum Uncertainty) and the second method is based on Bayesian inference for constrained parameters space under the existence of Serial relation conditions. The proposed methods are compared with Bayesian method utilizing the standards measures and optimum results obtained. Finally, the relative premium calculated utilizing the proposed methods are compared with the applied amounts in the Iranian Bonus-Malus system and the results indicated that the current system must improve.


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