Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatab’i University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose behind the current study is to identify the effective factors influencing on the innovation in the insurance companies and to institute the culture of innovation in the Iranian insurance industry to enable the insurance companies increase their role and effect on the society and with public confidence, the insurance penetration coefficient in the country will improve. So, in order to reduce the problems and challenges facing the Iranian insurance industry and with purpose of improving the innovation in the Iranian insurance companies while studying and analyzing the patterns and different models of innovation and identifying the variables which affect the innovation in the insurance companies, the initial conceptual model which fits to the innovation in the Iranian insurance industry is designed and this model provided to the scholars, specialists and experts in the insurance companies and professors of university. Based on their view points, the comments were reviewed and considered and the field questionnaire prepared and after statistical analysis and evaluation of the involvement of each of the variables in the recommended model and testing its validity and applicability in practice, the innovative structural model for the insurance industry extracted and tested and some solutions to the innovation in the Iranian insurance industry provided.


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