Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Department of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Qom University, Qom, Iran


Objective: This study aimed to find a properly theory to analyze the relationship between owner's responsibility and insurer in “Compulsory insurance to losses to third parties as a result of accidents caused by vehicles act” that the owner's responsibility is restricted merely to insure his motor vehicle and the Insurer is responsible to compensate any damages resulting from motor vehicle. Really the owner insurs the vehicle and there is no obligation to him but insurer take all other obligations and responsibilities in all cases refering to 2016 Act, even in some force majeure cases such as Acts of God or theft.
Method: This study was descriptive-analytical and was done according to library resources with qualitative variables.
Finding: With regarding to the structure of “Compulsory insurance to losses to third parties as a result of accidents caused by vehicles act”, there is no reasonable relation between the responsibility of owner as insured and the insurer. As in some cases such as force majeure, damages by thief and damages which the owner or the driver has no role or fault in its occurrence, then, the owner or the driver has no liability for compensation, but the insurer shall compensate the damages upon regular basis. 
Conclusion: Thus, to find out the relationship between the liability of the owner and the insurer, the responsibility of owner shall not be considered as the basis of insurer's responsibility, but with reliance on the theories of "Distributive Justice" and "the relationship between the insurer's responsibility and the damages resulting from vehicle" the rule of act shall be accepted to compensate damages incurred by injured party even the owner has no responsibility for compensation, i.e., we can consider the liability of the insurer instead of the liability of the owner as the basis for compensation. This is because the legislator has sought to compensate the maximum damage and this goal is not achieved by basing the liability of the owner, but the main responsibility in these accidents is the insurer’s and this responsibility has been transferred ccording to the insurance contract and the 2016 Compulsory Insurance Act. Therefore, the basis of insurer's responsibility shall not be owner's responsibility, and there is no subordinate relationship between the insured and the insurer in the responsibility.
JEL Classification: K13, K29, K39


Main Subjects

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